Simple Intelligent Design Craft for CC Cycle 3 Week 22 Science

Here is a simple Intelligent Design Activity for CC Cycle 3 week 22 Science memory work. While not exactly the same as Creation, the theory of Intelligent Design can hold that the God of the Bible created the earth in 6 days. We are going to draw the 6 days of creation.


  • White paper
  • 2 different color crayons

Prepare the Paper

  • Draw 2 horizontal lines on the paper.
  • Choose your 2 colors of crayons: use one color for days 1-3, use another color for days 4-6.

Draw the Days of Creation

  • Day 1: In the top box on the left, write the number 1: Draw a world with light and dark sides. God spoke the earth into existence. There was evening and morning.
  • Day 2: In the middle box on the left, write the number 2: Draw water. God separated the waters from the waters.
  • Day 3: In the bottom box on the left, write the number 3: Draw dry ground and plants.
  • Now we will fill in each area:
    • It is interesting to note that the first 3 days of creation are making the areas and the next 3 days are filling them
  • Day 4: In the top box on the right side, write the number 4: Draw sun, moon, and stars.
  • Day 5: In the middle box on the right side, write the number 5: Draw swimming creatures (fish, whales, swimming dinosaurs: plesiosaur), flying creatures (birds, insects, bats, pterodactyls).
  • Day 6: In the bottom box on the right side, write the number 6: Draw animals (cat, lion, long neck dinosaurs) and Adam and Eve.
  • God made everything in 6 days, and it was very good.
  • Day 7: God rested.

*What does the theory of intelligent design rely on?

A great resource for creation and evolution is Guide to Creation Basics.

If you liked this activity, check out my whole guide for the 24 weeks of science here.

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