Easy Geography Practice for CC Cycle 3 Weeks 12-24

Getting geography practice in daily with my kids has always been challenging….Until my friend came up with this great idea this year. I made these geography practice books for each child. They have 4 pages of tracing paper, so each day during read aloud time, my kids are supposed to trace the geographical feature for that week. It has been working great so far! Check out how to make one for your kids below.


  • Construction paper
  • 4 Sheets of tracing paper
  • Stapler
  • Packing tape
  • Black line master map from the Classical Conversations Foundations Guide

Make the Geography Review Book

  • Line 4 pieces of tracing paper on top of the construction paper.
  • Staple in 4 places along the short end making a book.
  • Use packing tape and tape over these staples. This gives the book a finished edge, and bonus the staples won’t scratch your table now.
  • Print off a black line master map from your Classical Conversation Foundations guide. I did this book for weeks 12-13 of cycle 3 , so I used the United States Physical Features Map.
    • If you like, so it is easier for the child to see, color each mountain range a different color. Mark each mountain with different color, so they stand out.

How To Use

  • Each day move the map so it is under a different piece of tracing paper. Tell child to trace the geographical features learned that week.
    • Older kids can label each feature, or at least put the initials of it (e.g. Colorado River, C.R.)
  • The next day, move the map to next the tracing paper and repeat.
  • You can use the same map and just keep adding the features learned each week.

So Much Easier

I felt like dragging out our laminated maps and tracing with a dry erase marker and cleaning everything was so time consuming daily. This tracing paper drawing system seems to be working much better for our family. I even made an extra booklet for the 2 year old, so when the maps come out, she has her own to do too (even if it might be scribbles, it keeps her busy).

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